Earth Poem: An ode to the beauty and the suffering
Earth Poem: An ode to the beauty and the suffering

Which Earth do you choose to believe in? Which Earth do feed belief into?
I used to believe in only the green, lush and growing Earth, but having painted both, I ‘m coming to understand that we cannot deny the dying Earth amid the living Earth.
I’m still trying to find a way to hold space for this duality in my heart – continue doing and believing and creating towards the beauty and overcoming, but holding with peace that there must always be suffering. Each new encounter with death reminds me of this.
I wrote an Earth Poem recently to try to speak into these feelings.

Dear person whose name I do not know,
in this community in which we grow,
Dear maker in-spite of all your inflictions,
being creative amidst these restrictions,
Dear giver despite burdened limitations,
feeding, sheltering and providing sanitations,
Dear birds that fly away at dawn and return at dusk,
urging me to discover the things I must,
Dear afraid and hungry, doing the best you can,
along cynics and sceptics, also doing the best they can,
Dear glorious breath I get to draw every day,
Dear ache, dear pain that feels here to stay,
This Earth, will pulse on, no matter what,
She too does the best she can with what she’s got.
There is always sun while there’s moon,
somewhere nourishing rain, yet somewhere monsoon
We’re not in this together in exactly the same way,
But together we are,
There’s no other way.
~ EarthDay 2020
To view more paintings inspired by our living planet check out the full 365 gallery.
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