by Andrea Fedder | Oct 14, 2019
Private Commission, Sold
Custom Commissioned miniNatures will never be reprinted for sale. They remain unique One-Of-A-Kind Artworks.
Inspiration image: client’s photography
A commissioned birthday painting for a dear dear man, this – a capture of his trip to Antarctica during his years working as a surveyor.
I’m not sure about many things in this wild short life we get, but I do believe that no night, no adventure in the genuine company of stars will ever leave you feeling regretful.
And while we truly celebrate our time on this planet only once a year I wish for this special human and for all of you a lifetime of starry nights and many happy earthdays.
by Andrea Fedder | Oct 13, 2019
Drunk moth on moonshine
Thinnest veils reveal some truth
Follow your own light
Happy full moon lovely humans
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
by Andrea Fedder | Oct 11, 2019
Isn’t it interesting – even though you have everything in you to be just the version of you the universe or fate or chance imagined – you still have to decide to lean into it. Just because it’s your destiny doesn’t mean it comes easy.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Isn’t it interesting – even though you have everything in you to be just the version of you the universe or fate or chance imagined – you still have to decide to lean into it.
Just because it’s your destiny doesn’t mean it comes easy.
by Andrea Fedder | Jul 24, 2019
Talking doesn’t equal doing, just like not searching won’t equal finding.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration: common license photography
Yesterday I put all my notifications off and sat my butt down and got two paintings done.
I did that because I desperately wanted to make time to do paying work🙃 AND to create my vision boards. It’s important to me and I knew if I didn’t carve time for it, they would never come together. After talking about doing it for months, the ‘I’m-gonna-conversations’ felt less like self-tricked productivity and more like poison.🤢
One of the captions I cut out was ‘find your true north’.
I realised if talking doesn’t equal doing, not searching won’t equal finding…..
Part of why I’ve been struggling recently, maybe it’s because I’m approaching the last quarter, is the whisper of ‘what if this goes no-where?’, ‘what if you don’t find squat at the end of a 365 challenge?’.
Tim Ferris shares good advice on this. He says make fear lists and then debunk them, so as to not live in the fear in your mind.
So, here’s my fear on this one – if doing 365 paintings takes me nowhere nearer my great hopes and dreams then the worst thing to come of it is that I ‘wasted an entire year painting’. BUT, I could reframe it as ‘I rejigged my freelance work in such a way that I was ABLE to spend a YEAR painting just for the sake of trying something new’. Suddenly if that’s the worst that comes from it, I no longer feel as fearful.
Still a little ‘uh-oh’ but no ‘yeegahds-I’m-gonna-fall-off-the-edge’ fear.
And that feels like progress in a good direction. A true north direction even, maybe? Fitting for northern lights, I felt. 😁
📸 inspiration via @unsplash
by Andrea Fedder | Jul 20, 2019
Today I lay in the pine needles – they looked so content in their patch of sunlight and I wanted some of that for myself. While I was becoming one with the forest floor it occurred to me that pine needles are just a great many tiny trees on their sides. Or, looking up that the pine trees are just really large upright standing pine needles. Then it occurred to me that I could use the same techniques I’ve started using for grasses for trees, albeit slightly amended. It was an odd moment, with odd thoughts. This painting is a result of those thoughts.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration: the forest floor
I know an ‘Elsa’ (and no, she’s not the one from Frozen 🙄). Today we walked in some woods together.
At one point I lay in the pine needles – they looked so content in their patch of sunlight and I wanted some of that for myself. While I was becoming one with the forest floor it occurred to me that pine needles are just a great many tiny trees on their sides. Or, looking up that the pine trees are just really large upright standing pine needles. Then it occurred to me that I could maybe use the same techniques I’ve started using for grasses for trees, albeit slightly amended. It was an odd moment, with odd thoughts.
Seeing me lying there in my patch of sun, Elsa remarked, “that looks jolly good!”.
And so I came home to paint that thought of jolly good woods. (And I made them frosty blue – because 1) have you felt the weather outside today? and 2) can you ever have enough double-entendres?)
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