‘Make Your Escape’ – Day 106/365

‘Make Your Escape’ – Day 106/365


Enough yabbering about wanting to go into the woods and more hatching a plan.
I never thought I’d have the ability to paint faster, free abstracts. I’ve been slow with everything I do in life. Dreaming and self-discovery included. But it turns out, when you walk the same path often enough, you find the shortcut through the woods and after three months of doing these paintings daily, I’ve found freedom of movement with the paint. Some days it’s the slow dance, other days it’s the two-step. And today, having discovered the ability to choose which dance I dance, I decided to paint myself a quick escape into the mountains.
Eeep! Tomorrow I’m posting a triptych and then I’m disconnecting for three days!!

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own creation from various common licence images

‘Untapped Power’ – Day 78/365

‘Untapped Power’ – Day 78/365

I’ll just say it. I love what load-shedding restores – a cease and desist between our ambition and the night. I love how silent it gets – like we’ve gone back in time. I hear the darkness, the crickets serenading the stars. All that glorious stillness reawakens our all too easily forgotten permission to stop.


Last night, mid-painting, the power cut out again. Ordinarily, I would have stopped painting because I’d rather have eyesight than hindsight. This time, I didn’t. I’d just started and had all this fresh, wet globby paint.
And, truthfully, I love load shedding. I love how silent it gets – like we’ve gone back in time. You can almost hear the dull hum of refrigeration and pulsing energy drop.
You can hear the darkness, the stars. All of it feels like a soft hug that brings you back to yourself. It makes for great painting fodder.

But of course, it produced a style all of its own. While this is not quite as bittersweet as Monet’s transition into deep impressionism – he lost most of his sight by the end of his career so he saw those waterlilies the way he painted them – I do feel like I’ve tapped into a different kind of power in the darkness. 👆🏼Motion to create an SA art style called ‘Eskomism’ – a candlelight induced watery artform? Say I.

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own/ common license image