‘Many Drops, One Ocean’ – Day 324/365
Art often feeds off of a bigger narrative which is why it’s SO important to share what’s in your heart. Your story. Your vibe. Whatever makes YOU FEEL HUMAN. No matter who you are. .
Famous or not famous. Bloomed or still incubating. YOUR experience counts. It causes a ripple. .
And it sure as hell inspires someone somewhere to do something. .
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from the photographer
I’ve been resisting tiny detailed landscapes. I wondered if I’d lost interest in them and was longing to rediscover the connection there.
As it often happens, I find the reason – not in pacing around the rock, frustrated at its presence on my path, for then no matter how much I pace, all I do is kick my toe against it . No, the discovery lies under the rock only to be found in turning it over, ready for whatever ant nest or shit fest comes crawling out over me. .
In the case of the detailed landscape paintings, I had to sit down and paint a landscape painting to see what was niggling behind it. 🙄
Sometimes I find inspiration. Sometimes I find closure. Today I found a mirror.
The jolt to paint came from a beautiful post and picture by the immensely talented silversmith @ringgoldnicole. She wrote about her wandering creative mind during a holiday in Mexico. I smiled in recognition of the artist habits that also bubble in me. And then I wanted to paint it. Not for the photo, but for the emotion it awoke in me.
Now, this may sound weird, but call it a message from the oceans (that I needed to hear too!!)
The tiny landscapes are works of patience. Without the undercurrent of emotion to keep me immersed in the waters or skies, grasslands and mountains, I simply don’t have the want to paint them.
Art often feeds off of a bigger narrative which is why it’s SO important to share what’s in your heart. Your story. Your vibe. Whatever makes YOU FEEL HUMAN. No matter who you are. .
Famous or not famous. Bloomed or still incubating. YOUR experience counts. It causes a ripple. .
And it sure as hell inspires someone somewhere to do something. .
To me, that’s the point of life. To discover that our individual expressions are sparks of iterations that leap from the collective fire – to make or be or share something that reflects more humanity and connection back to someone else.
So the next time you hesitate and wonder if what you have to say matters, trust the ocean, rain and fire. It will matter to someone. .
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