‘The Twins’ – Day 141/365
Double trouble time – We’re in Gemini season! Or double joy – depending on how you look at it.⠀
I’ve had a crazy run with Geminis, at one point in my life thinking it should be my leading question the minute things head into ‘date’ territory. ⠀
👐”Wait,wait wait – what star sign are you?” ⠀
I was convinced me and the twin sign just didn’t work. Chemistry like blue blazes, but void of drama, not a chance in hell. ⠀
But it seems the universe is determined to bring me twin romance. Here’s the catch – my better half is also on the cusp of Taurus and I’m gonna choose to believe it’s the steady, earthy bull in him that grounds his spontaneous, airy twins. And truth is – when it comes to us Scorps – the more dynamic and complex, the better right?⠀
Don’t forget to give your favourite Gem a hug today! Heck – give ’em two!⠀
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
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