‘Wildfire’ – Day 170/365

‘Wildfire’ – Day 170/365

We so often let pride force us into holding onto versions of ourselves that we need to let go of so we can carve real-time for that which ignites our heart.
Money can always be earned. Not time. All you get from this very moment, are the days you have left.
By committing yourself to your journey, new ways arise of staying energised.
To me, that is where the real profit generation in life is. THAT is where you generate compounding joy and real human interest.

Inspiration image: cover photo from a Mandolin Orange album


If you’ve ever wondered how in the hell I find the steam to keep going, well I don’t know what motivates other artists who’ve done this before me, but for me, it’s the adventure of finding new lessons every time I listen to my gut.
My heart was a mix of the emotions of close friends today, their passions, dedications and burning desires – both beautiful and destructive. .
It pulled me back to this album cover I noticed a few days back of a band I’m loving. Anyway, I was drawn to paint that album cover – Mandolin Orange – Blindfaller.
This is it. Well sort of.
At first I couldn’t connect with it – it looked like mud. Then somewhere the feel of smoke blazed through their lyrics.

“It should have been different
It could have been easy
But pride has a way of holding too firm to history
And it burns like wildfire”
And I just thought to myself – holy shit – there’s such reward in chasing down the fires in your heart.
We so often let pride force us into holding onto versions of ourselves that we need to let go of so we can carve real-time for that which ignites our heart. I have and I’m sure it will catch me again.
Money can always be earned. Not time. All you get from this very moment, are the days you have left. .
So far I’ve found by committing myself to this, new ways arise of staying energised. .
To me, that is where the real profit generation in life is. THAT is where you generate compounding joy and real human interest.

So, today my gut guided me to this and made creating it feel brand new again.
PS: I just burnt my toast. Oh the irony😝

PPS: Mandolin Orange do a stunning cover of Bob Dylan’s Boots of Spanish Leather – mega emotion.

‘Rebirth in Death’ – Day 129/365 – Gifted

‘Rebirth in Death’ – Day 129/365 – Gifted

This painting is a gift in exchange for an Afrika Burn Ticket

Inspiration image: mushrooms (not even joking). Read full story.


The Burn has some strange and profound ways of bringing deep wounds and healing space into your…well, your Binnekring (Burn pun and also ‘inside circle’ in Afrikaans).
My lovely ticket gifter, when told that I would like to paint her best memory as a thank you for her ticket, decided to honour the still-developing creative in me, and simply said “Paint what comes to you under the theme ‘Death and Rebirth’. This was a relevant theme for her, because of her work in safe birth practices.
I held space for this concept in the desert and waited for the painting to come to me.
By Sunday’s Clan burn, my spirit was ripe for some unfolding, and through a series of interesting events, I arrived at this point in the night, with a sobbing heart, and a shaking grip on reality. I was reliving the loss of my dad as a little girl. In the miasma of light-adorned humans, I let him go all over again. The wind exhaled hard over the burning structure. As I watched the side-swept flames turned into long, fiery feathers. My Phoenix was emerging.
I don’t think healing from the death of a loved one will ever be a linear journey. As we move through our lives, maybe edging closer to our own deaths, we’ll be offered many chances to revisit the truths that lie in it. If Death were a guru I imagine her to be a Phoenix Being with pendants to lay over your head as you find acceptance for her many teachings. And on this night, by this fire, I found the courage to rise higher by letting go of his sleeping hand.
Swipe to see the pendant that came to me in the desert. Synchronicity like that makes my heart glow hard, people! (you can’t see it hear – the pendant is of a feather that says ‘burn’ in cut out letters)

@fieldsofdaisy this is your painting. Thank you for my gift into the desert.