by Andrea Fedder | Sep 20, 2019
Two little girls marched with me. When I showed them my painting the older one said, “it’s Earth.”
The younger one said “it’s the moon”.
The older one said, “but we can’t live on the moon.”
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
We went to the #globalclimatestrike march in Cape Town today.
Kudos to the many who were able to join, but considering what was being protested, there were not nearly enough people.
Two little girls marched with me. When I showed them my painting the older one said, “it’s Earth.”
The younger one said “it’s the moon”.
The older one said, “but we can’t live on the moon.”
We carried a banner that read “To change our world, we must first change ourselves.”
I’m sending all the love and light I can muster to you, where ever you are on making sense of all of this. Figuring out how you want to show up for climate change won’t be easy.
This really is a hard truth we’re facing. But we will have to face the future eventually. Perhaps the thing to decide is just what condition our planet will be in when you turn to face her.
by Andrea Fedder | Jul 1, 2019
In truth, every single day that you do the thing you’re doing, be that painting or parenting, with strength and dignity and grace and gumption and even the days you do it with all-fall-downs are days worth celebrating. For no other reason than because you did it. You showed up.
And for the same reason that we celebrate life milestones, I’m celebrating a wee bit myself today because today marks ‘Half-Way’ day.
While I’m stoked to have come this far, I can’t help but wonder – has the last month of extreme hardness been only the beginning of an ongoing uphill climb, or was it more like the last manic accent to the top of the mountain and now it’s downhill?
Only one way to find out .
So, in the words of Pink Floyd:
“Shine on, you crazy diamonds”
Today’s inspiration came to me via a meditation YouTube video.
by Andrea Fedder | Jun 8, 2019
Just look at how this massive, beautiful, exquisitely unique body of water teeming with the most abundant, fantastical life can so sweetly show us her heart when up until now we’ve brought her so much pain.
Let’s be better, humans.
Let’s be better than we ever thought we could possibly be. She gives us life, the sea.
Live, with her heart in mind, and we’ll all be okay.⠀
You’ll see.
I believe moments like this one, captured by @fainepearl, are presented to liquid souls like her because their hearts really do beat for the ocean.
I couldn’t believe this photo when I saw it. It moved me to tears. I just couldn’t digest that this massive, beautiful, exquisitely unique body of water teeming with the most abundant, fantastical life can so sweetly show us her heart, when up until now we’ve brought her so much pain.
Let’s be better, humans.
Let’s be better than we ever thought we could possibly be. She gives us life, the sea.
Live, with her heart in mind, and we’ll all be okay.
You’ll see.
Shaman’s ‘Invocation to Water’ is a beautiful piece of music to meditate to today.
.📸 Thank you Faine, for sharing this deeply inspiring moment.
Derivative work created with permission from the photographer
by Andrea Fedder | Apr 22, 2019
Earth is where we come to home to self.
Not currently available for sale.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Ever heard that quote ‘ E A R T H without ART would just be EH?’. Said
by one very clever and also funny (he’s a great guitar playing
comedian) Dimitri Martin.
While I do agree with him 100%, his clever wordplay and my reflections
on this day led me to a wordplay truth of my own.
Because really this planet that we are so lucky to experience life on teaches us one main thing and that is: ‘Life on E A R T H without H E A R T cannot exist.’ Happy Earth Day lovely humans. Here’s hoping many more continued ripples of kindness through change restore our beautiful earth and our collective heart. xx
***I have since found a similar thought by Artemis saying ‘Earth without heart is nothing’
by Andrea Fedder | Mar 30, 2019
Dear Earth,
George Harrison wrote a song once. I guess it was for a girl.
Every time I hear it though, I think of you.
It makes my heart want to burst if I think of how we might fail you.. of ever having to say goodbye to all that you are.
Here’s George’s song. I think you’ll like it. Oh, and Earth – you had me at tiny things and trees on mountains.💙🌲🦔
“If not for you
Babe, I couldn’t even find the door
I couldn’t even see the floor
I’d be sad and blue, if not for you
If not for you
Babe, the night would see me wide awake
The day would surely have to break
It would not be new, if not for you
If not for you, my sky would fall
Rain would gather, too
Without your love I’d be nowhere at all
I’d be lost, if not for you
If not for you
The winter would hold no spring
Couldn’t hear a robin sing
I just wouldn’t have a clue, if not for you
If not…” (
🎨Inspired by a @ryanresatka pic
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