‘Coral-lation’ – Day 352/365
My theory of coral-lation. It occurred to me that coral took the crystalised form of water ripples in motion – a structured, material manifestation of the lucid environment it grew in. Really makes you wonder, if you were a piece of coral crystalised into a shape of the environment you were immersed in – would you also produce a zen, peaceful shape? Does the material manifestation of YOU please YOU? If the answer is no – maybe the clue lies in your environment, in what you surround yourself by.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Painting coral is now my new favourite kind of art meditation. I think I’ll nickname it coral draw. (but not officially because #copyright laws) 😝 Ha!
Unless you painstakingly wanted to repaint the exact structure of a piece of coral – you could choose instead to study it and then lose yourself in the flow of the structure. (nice oxymoron there too!)
Here are the rules of coral draw: No overlapping. No straight lines. Only expanding veins, mirrors of each other, puzzle piecing into their whole.
It occurred to me that coral took the crystalised form of water ripples in motion – a structured, material manifestation of the lucid environment it grew in.
Really makes you wonder, if you were a piece of coral crystalised into a shape of the environment you were immersed in – would you also produce a zen, peaceful shape? Does the material manifestation of YOU please YOU? If the answer is no – maybe the clue lies in your environment, in what you surround yourself by.
This is my ‘theory of coral-lation’. ☺️
Luckily you have the choice to replant yourself wherever you choose. .
The photograph that inspired this painting was taken by @lisambeasely of a coral she photographed in False Bay.
Thank you for the inspiration. 🙏🏼
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