by Andrea Fedder | Nov 2, 2019
Sale Price of Original: R1900 – SOLD
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Alright Springboks – I’ve done all I can do to send some good juju your way.
Reach for ‘dem stars and make us proud. And don’t get any rose thorns stuck in your side. ;p
by Andrea Fedder | Oct 31, 2019
🎃Happy Hippy Halloween Everyone!🎃
The last 7 days of reflection about scary reasons not to pursue your creative path have, in a strange way given me one final realisation, and to me, this one felt a bit like a gift from the universe.
The scariest reason behind pursuing your creative path is the willingness to believe that your worth lies in that one idea you can’t stop thinking about.
And do it despite what all the “that’s not a real job” boogie monsters say.
As Cheryl Strayed puts it. “Trusting yourself means acting out what you already know to be true.”
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration: artist’s own
by Andrea Fedder | Oct 21, 2019
There he sat, just facing me. ‘Hello’, we said to each other in acknowledgement. This time he didn’t buzz away. He just sat there – cleaning his long proboscis. The muse is not an entity of creative instilling that is some days with you and on others forsakes you. The muse is a willingness you develop through consistent creation to find things as a-musing.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration: artist’s own
Yup. I painted a fly. Sometimes, you’ve just gotta acknowledge the weird things that come to you without questioning the motif.
This enormous horse fly has been flying into my studio persistently for the last week. Every day I would capture him inside a jar and ferry him back outside where he would literally buzz off.
Today I captured him and studied him through the bottle. Sure, flies aren’t graceful or cute or regal or elegant creatures and they often represent death and disease, but it occurred to me that if you’re not going to stop to marvel at the dark, the macabre, the morose, the insignificant and the icky – well, are you then really accepting of life as a whole?
I took him outside to the rocket in the veggie patch. He climbed very willingly out into the bush and then, clambered up a stem, onto a protruding leaf and out onto the furthest point that balance would allow. There he sat, just facing me. ‘Hello’, we said to each other in acknowledgement. This time he didn’t buzz away. He just sat there – cleaning his long proboscis.
‘Hmmm, so I guess I’m painting a fly today’ I announced to the surrounding veggies.
And you know… they really are quite captivating.
And then it dawned on me. The muse is not an entity of creative instilling that is some days with you and on others forsakes you. The muse is a willingness you develop through consistent creation to find things as a-musing.
by Andrea Fedder | Oct 18, 2019
Price of Original Painting: R2450
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration: artist’s own and common licence photography
A painting for plant lovers, for animal lovers, for anyone who chooses mushroom over meat, for anyone who eats for the future. (which by the way is now known as being a #climatarian)
Thanks @beercountrysa for the stimulation to rise to a challenge (within a challenge).
Side story: these okes finally caved to my constant, but loving badgering of insufficient veggie recipes under their RAD #beerfoodfire brand and shared their kick-ass mushroom burger (pg 85 of their @beercountrysa recipe book)
So, okes, I didn’t paint the miniature mushroom burger you asked for because food isn’t my art M.O.
Drea = m I n i N a t u r e (say it with me😋)
But I took your challenge to another level and painted the mini nature reason for eating mushroom burgers instead. This cute little fella’s name is MooShroom. He lives in a field of fungi. He wants me to tell you this:
“Meat and dairy provide just 18% of calories and 37% of protein, but it uses the vast majority – 83% – of farmland and produces 60% of agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions. Other research shows 86% of all land mammals are now livestock or humans.”
What a clever heifer! Also, his manure patties (that’s the original beef patty I’ll have you) make for epic nutrients for ALL sorts of plants to grow – including – wouldn’t you know it.. mushrooms. The magical kind😬
Ps: If you want more stats on the impacts of industrial animal agriculture read ‘Reducing foods’ environmental impacts through producers and consumers’, 2019, Science
by Andrea Fedder | Oct 13, 2019
Drunk moth on moonshine
Thinnest veils reveal some truth
Follow your own light
Happy full moon lovely humans
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
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