by Andrea Fedder | Dec 30, 2019
Nearing the end I thought to paint some fireworks as a little pre-emptive colour hooplah for being almost done with this challenge.
I started painting the great puffs of colour in the sky and just could not get into it.
“Why is this not working for you, Andrea?” I asked myself. And as quick as lightning another part of me replied – ‘Because fireworks are too removed from nature’. (Yes, the chemical elements used are natural but the way they’re propelled into the sky with gunpowder is human-engineered).
Hmm. So I painted over it all and started again, tapping into nature’s own colour spectacle. Okay, this sky is a little Willy Wonka but none the less, it flowed, and therein lies the rub for me.
It’s SO easy to slip back into conventional associations or societally reinforced thinking structures. On the creative path, if you’re not questioning your why for stimulus often enough, you can quickly murky the source fire of your creativity. Of course, it’s fine to do so, but do it because you’ve decided to break your pattern, not because you’ve slipped unawares into the habitualness of life around you.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
by Andrea Fedder | Dec 27, 2019
“Pilgrims are persons in motion passing through territories not their own, seeking something we might call completion, or perhaps the word clarity will do as well, a goal to which only the spirit’s compass points the way. ” – H. Richard Niebuhr
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
by Andrea Fedder | Dec 26, 2019
A quote by Michael Mead to continue my reflections from Part 1 of this triptych.
“In seeking after what the soul desires we become pilgrims with no home but the path the soul would have us follow.”
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
by Andrea Fedder | Dec 25, 2019
You will one day wake up and walk your pilgrimage, not for the view on the mountain or the applause at your ascent. You’ll walk your pilgrimage because the will within you is too strong to ignore. The desire to move will be stronger than the hesitation to remain.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
My last triptych for the year has bloomed out of me – this one inspired by the beautiful voice and lyrics of Natalie Merchant. (I discovered her on one of my favourite YouTube channels – NPR Music Tiny Desk Concerts).
In particular the lyrics of their rendition of Weeping Pilgrim. Have a listen – it’s really soul-stirring.
In a way, I feel like this year has been a creative pilgrimage, of sort, and for me, the perennial nature of it – well, I wonder if it will leave me feeling similar as one does after a long hike through nature – deeply spent, rested in that exhausted but peaceful kind of way and oh so grateful for the quiet, consistent restoration to my own inner compass.
My encouragement to anyone wanting to take on a creative challenge is to just start. Don’t think of how tired you’ll be or how blistered your feet may become. Pour out your creative offering, little by little, day by day.
Even if at the end of it, it’s just you alone on that mountain, bearing witness to your own walk.
The view and the lofty heights are fleeting motivations for undertaking any journey. You will one day wake up and do it – simply because the will within you is too strong to ignore.
That powerful voice within is my wish for you – she will be the best friend and companion you’ve ever had.
Merry Christmas, everyone. ✨
by Andrea Fedder | Dec 23, 2019
That expression – ‘it’s a hard no’ – often sounds like it comes from a place of anger or frustration. And on the surface, I guess it does. Rage-y emotions occur when we bubble over to release pressure.
But below the seeming anger is often a lot of layered other stuff.
This painting was meant to be a cheery snow-laden branch with red mistletoe berries – oozing Christmassy vibes. But often the timing and journeys of our lives don’t give a hoot that this is supposed to be a “jolly season” and difficult stuff arises. Stuff that uses up your reserves.
After the third attempt – the creative in me cracked and kind of said a big fat ‘f-you’ to all the obligation around Christmas. I know. I know. How very unfestive of me.
I guess a part of me felt if there were so many areas already bringing up disjointed Christmas feelings, why was I tethering my creative journey to its all-consuming energy too when there were other things that needed my energy more?
So this burst onto the canvas in a little fit of upset. Gingko instead of mistletoe.
Afterwards, I looked up the symbolism of ginkgo leaves. Did you know 4 Gingko trees survived the bombing of Hiroshima? They are now symbols of endurance through hardship. They also symbolise protection due to a fire-resistant sap under their bark and in their leaves.
What am I taking from all of this? That sometimes when we release a ‘hard no’, we’re really saying a ‘hardship no’.
When there’s too much burning up inside, the best way to protect yourself so you can continue on your personal journey (irrespective of holidays) is to say ‘no’ to that which you have no capacity for.
Hardship no’s are the ginkgo leaves of the psyche. Use ’em when you need ’em and don’t feel crap for not being super-human. Being human is super enough. x 😌
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
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