by Andrea Fedder | Dec 9, 2019
A truly brilliant photographer is one who, through many hours of observing, can see deeply into the moment with their intuitive eye. Their gift is to feel the moment before it will unfold. Their skill is knowing how to compose and capture it so that you and I may see it too.
This painting is sold
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from the photographer
Inspiration: photography of Andre Fiedeldey
I used to think photography was something you could just learn, like reading, and then be good at it, as though these picturesque moments were just littered through life.
But I’ve come to believe when I see a photo like this one, that a true photographer is one who observes life so deeply, that just maybe their real gift is seeing into the future – seeing a moment that will unfold just before it passes.
Brilliant photographs are prints of patience, snaps in between seconds of silence, evidence of the conviction of life’s unfolding.
This photograph was taken by my dear dear uncle, who took me under his wing, sharing his passion for Pentax and spending many hours with me in the icy woods of Aurora, patiently teaching me the technicalities of photography and also sometimes how to see the moment before it unfolds. 💙
by Andrea Fedder | Dec 8, 2019
Often the best place to find (and in this case give) a helping hand is at the end of your own arm – with what you put in your mouth. It’s as fantastically easy and just as numbingly unactionable as that. Your food choices seal the deal on the fate of our oceans. Making better food choices, even if you begin with tiny reductions, really does add up to bigger system change.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from the photographer
We’re bombarded with the plight of our oceans every day, and the unnecessary suffering all her creatures go through because of our lifestyles.
I’ve wished many a time I could pack a bag and go help out on remote beaches were some or other animal requires conservation from some or other shitty industrial industry’s repercussions.
But you know what? Often the best place to find (and in this case give) a helping hand is at the end of your own arm – with what you put in your mouth.
It’s as fantastically easy and just as numbingly unactionable as that.
Your food choices seal the deal on the fate of our oceans.
Making better food choices, even if you begin with tiny reductions, really does add up to bigger system change. 💙
🌊this cute baby seal referenced from the underwater captures of @sumogurinet .
by Andrea Fedder | Dec 6, 2019
“On the mountains of truth, you can never climb in vain:
Either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration : artist’s own and common licence photography
by Andrea Fedder | Dec 2, 2019
‘No’ doesn’t always have to be a bad, negative word. It can be an absoluteness, a coral wall that presides over your oceanic state of peace and calm. A reef causes currents too, that doesn’t make it a rift.
Sale Price of Original: R1900
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration : artist’s own and common licence photography
So this should technically be yesterday’s official new painting (you can read that post on why yesterday was the first day this year that I broke all my challenge rules).
These paintings combined with my mood sometimes just name themselves. This one’s understanding is still coming to me in waves 😛🌊, but I get the feeling it has something to do with the peace and stillness that can come from saying ‘no’. ‘No’ doesn’t always have to be a bad, negative word. It can be an absoluteness and an unwillingness that presides over your state of peace and calm. Just. ‘No’.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed this week (can you feel the Silly Season yet?) give yourself some ‘no’s’. And when they’re followed with ‘Are you sure?’ – the answer is ‘calmpletely’.💙
This painting inspired by @ahmedafrah photography on Unsplash!
by Andrea Fedder | Nov 23, 2019
“Be kind and full of love, but have boundaries like a motherf*cker.” – unknown
Sale Price of Original: R1900
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration : artist’s own
Cocktail recipe for a zen painting:
1 x 30-minute walk on the beach or nature of choice (heart magic)
1 x 15 minute in a repose yoga asana (soul magic)
1 x YouTube audio of Clear Minds: Namaste Music (mind magic)
1 x the colour on your heart painted into a free flow background (visual magic)
1 x a brand new brush you’ve never painted with (surprise creativity magic)
1. Leave all ‘f*cks’ at the studio door.
2. Drink some hot herbal tea.
3. Sit your bum down.
4. Let go and see what happens.
Today’s painting is inspired by the energy of awesome friends, birds chirping in the garden and a hilarious sign from @faithjuice in Noordhoek Farm Village that read:
Be kind and full of love, but have boundaries like a motherf*cker.
I’ll cheers to that.
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