‘Walking in your Moon’ – Day 50/365 – Gifted

‘Walking in your Moon’ – Day 50/365 – Gifted

Artist study. Not for sale.


I’m going a little moon dilly over here. I do that. I get totally immersed in the topic at hand and have just discovered there are many names for the moons based on which crop is abundant during that phase. So naturally, I was curious about which moon I was born in. And hooray for the interwebs, because there are websites for that! According to this, I was born on an Old Moon called so because just a sliver of silver remains of the moon in its waning crescent as the last phase before the sky turns black. Apparently, that predisposes me towards creativity, eccentricity and a desire for a karmic journey in alignment to the universe. Yip, yip – I’d say that’s on the money. I might not be walking on the moon, Mr. Sting, but much like this shadowey fella, I’m most certainly carving a path in my moon. If you’re curious about your moon, go check it out and tell me in the comments if you think it’s spot on or total mumbo jumbo.
Either way happy full moon tonight. According to @thewildfeminine it’s a super snow moon!🐺

To check out what moon you were born under head on over to www.moongiant.com or  www.astrocal.co.ukPainting inspired by photography of @furstset

‘Over The Moon’ – Day 49/365 – NFS

‘Over The Moon’ – Day 49/365 – NFS

Artist study. Not for sale.


Do you believe in do-overs? I came across this bloody fantastic shot of last month’s blood moon (har har) in my search for an inspiration shot for tomorrow’s full moon. If I had been smarter last month I would have delayed my full moon painting knowing that a plethora of sexy pics would soon fill the gram. But I didn’t and so I missed this one. Oh well. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Stuff doesn’t always align perfectly, but if the moon has taught me anything, it’s that life is cyclical and that we get another chance every month to set new intentions, to try again, or to do a bit better when you know better. And I for one am over the moon about that! #cheese

PS: I’m pretty sure the original photo is a composition shot (as in photographed in layers and edited together) but I might be wrong. Either way – it’s stunning inspiration for a hungry creative.

Painting inspired by the photography composition work of @vteei

‘Out of Your Depths’ – Day 47/ 365 – Gifted

‘Out of Your Depths’ – Day 47/ 365 – Gifted

“This whale was a killer and it’s not even a killer whale,” she wailed.
I’m posting this painting, wondering for the first time if its truly done? I’m also wondering if anything is ever truly done – or whether we can simply arrive at a place where we’re done with it – ready to breach, to come up for air.

Artist study. Not for sale.


There is so much I want to tell you about this painting. I want to tell you about how I really started it last year and left it unfinished because it was too hard for me at the time. I want to tell you about how I struggled to prioritise painting yesterday because the house was such a mess and the inbox so full. I want to tell you about how hard I found it still, after two months of solid painting. “This whale was a killer and it’s not even a killer whale,” she wailed.

I felt utterly out of my depth yesterday, in life and in painting. But how cool is that thought? That out of our depths is exactly the deep, blue place from which we must keep emerging.

I’m posting this painting, wondering for the first time if its truly done? I’m also wondering if anything is ever truly done – or whether we can simply arrive at a place where we’re done with it – ready to breach, to come up for air.

This breathing exercise really helped me stay energised while painting last night:
Inhale for 6 seconds through your nose.
Exhale for 2 seconds through your mouth.
Repeat x 4.
From the @oakmeditation app.

Deep Breath. Just keep swimming.#DoriMantra

Painting from photography of @thurstonphoto

‘Buck Your System’ – Day 41/365 – NFS

‘Buck Your System’ – Day 41/365 – NFS

There’s merit to be had in every approach – as long as it’s working for you. When I Buck my system that’s when I remember to play.

Artist study. Not for sale.


I tuned a mate of mine recently about not keeping a spreadsheet for all the data they’re gathering in their catering gig and that having to refigure out the numbers and quantities every time is madness. He just laughed and told me ‘shooting from the hip keeps things fun’.
This approach seemed nuts to me at the time (because yes, in my past years of business-y exposure I’ve become an artist who enjoys the odd spreadsheet). But every now and then I remember there’s a free-spirited creative lurking in me who just wants to go with the flow and who was actually pretty good at functioning that way. So, it stands to reason that just when I admit to how much I gravitate towards creating structure and sets of three in my paintings, the whole thing gets under my skin and suddenly feels like confinement. Haha. You’ve just gotta laugh at life (and yourself!)
So I Said to my better half last night in trying to figure this all out: “hey bokkie, I no longer give a fokkie!”
There’s merit to be had in every approach – as long as it’s working for you. When I Buck my system that’s when I remember to play.

Painting from photography of @chaitdeshphotography

‘Give it Horns’ – Day 40/365 – NFS

‘Give it Horns’ – Day 40/365 – NFS

When it feels like you’re holding on for Dear Life to make your ‘thing’ come right, remind yourself that you’re the creator not just a creation and Give It Friggin Horns.

Artist study. Not for sale.


Now that you know about my affinity for continued threads and groups of three (read yesterday’s caption), I’ll tell you I had three days of lovely deer paintings planned in the lead up to Valentine’s day with some varied introspection on all the many things we can hold dear in life other than a significant other to ‘complete us’.
But in truth I have no soft introspection to offer when it feels like I’m using every bit of my reserves to get on top of my A-game again. And so I’ll leave you with this instead:

When it feels like you’re holding on for Dear Life to make your ‘thing’ come right, remind yourself that you’re the creator not just a creation and Give It Friggin Horns!

Painting inspired by photography of @furstset