‘Untouched’ – Day 137/365

The dune without her manmade boardwalk may be just a painting to you. To me it’s a world that makes sense. To me, it’s a peaceful protest.


To you, this might be a path on a dune.
But to me, it’s a world that makes sense.
To you, this might just be a little painting. But to me it’s a peaceful protest.

This beautiful beach scene was captured by the mega-talented @deniscebulec . But I left out the wooden walk-way because I was feeling so goddamn frustrated with something else that made zero sense to me and I just neeeeeeeded to give credence to a way of living that I understood.
And that’s nature, just as she is, being enough.
So I painted it that way. Because I can!
Because: “The human spirit needs places where nature has not been re-arranged by the hand of man.”

Derivative work created with permission from the photographer

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May 17, 2019