A truly brilliant photographer is one who, through many hours of observing, can see deeply into the moment with their intuitive eye. Their gift is to feel the moment before it will unfold. Their skill is knowing how to compose and capture it so that you and I may see it too.
This painting is sold
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from the photographer
Inspiration: photography of Andre Fiedeldey
I used to think photography was something you could just learn, like reading, and then be good at it, as though these picturesque moments were just littered through life.
But I’ve come to believe when I see a photo like this one, that a true photographer is one who observes life so deeply, that just maybe their real gift is seeing into the future – seeing a moment that will unfold just before it passes.
Brilliant photographs are prints of patience, snaps in between seconds of silence, evidence of the conviction of life’s unfolding.
This photograph was taken by my dear dear uncle, who took me under his wing, sharing his passion for Pentax and spending many hours with me in the icy woods of Aurora, patiently teaching me the technicalities of photography and also sometimes how to see the moment before it unfolds. 💙
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