‘Transparent to Change’ – Day 93/365

The world has us believing there’s some sort of arrival place where you discover your concrete ‘have-it-all-figured-out’ veneer. But I believe that is and will be bullshit right up until the day you leave this planet. We are forever changing and so too are our dreams and the things we do to get closer to those dreams.


“Where does ‘what we can do’ end, and ‘who we are’ begin? 🧘🏼‍♀️
I was going to fill in this silhouette as it is in the picture. But you see, this is me, back when I thought all I ever wanted to be was a travelling yoga instructor and writer. I do not solely do those things anymore, but I am still trying to find balance and I am still channelling creativity to inspire connection.
The world has us believing there’s some sort of arrival place where you discover your concrete ‘have-it-all-figured-out’ veneer. But I believe that is and will be bullshit right up until the day you leave this planet. We are forever changing and so too are our dreams and the things we do to get closer to those dreams.
And so I decided to leave the ‘yogi me’ in this painting transparent to acknowledge that change.
Ironically, this pose is called ‘the dancer’. I’d love to know if you were inspired to share, the different iterations of yourself you’ve danced through already? 🧘🏼‍♀️✨

Inspiration image: artist’s own
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)

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April 3, 2019