The word ‘simplicity’ means to have a “singleness of nature, unity, indivisibility; immutability.”
Isn’t that so awesome? To develop a singleness in your nature and to be immutable in it – unchanging over time… holds the key to experiencing an amplification of who you are.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration: artist’s own
A gem of a Marie Forleo quote for you today:
“Simplify to amplify”.
To be multi-passionate is not something you can just stow away. But it took me all my twenties and a nip of my thirties to begin feeling like more of the artist whose spirit rummaged in my bones by giving myself fully to only painting. I so badly wanted to be an artist, a creative misfit that I did everything all at once – sculpting and felting and beading and photography and candle making and scrapbooking and whatnot all else…😂
So today – while thinking these thoughts and feeling these truths, I looked up the origin of the word ‘simplicity’. It means to have a “singleness of nature, unity, indivisibility; immutability.”
Isn’t that so awesome? To develop a singleness in your nature and to be immutable in it – unchanging over time… holds the key to experiencing an amplification of who you are.
Have you found this to be true for you or does doing many different things totally light your fire?
.📸inspiration pic found on