‘Seal The Deal’ – Day 342/365


Often the best place to find (and in this case give) a helping hand is at the end of your own arm – with what you put in your mouth.⁠ It’s as fantastically easy and just as numbingly unactionable as that. ⁠Your food choices seal the deal on the fate of our oceans.⁠ Making better food choices, even if you begin with tiny reductions, really does add up to bigger system change.

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from the photographer


We’re bombarded with the plight of our oceans every day, and the unnecessary suffering all her creatures go through because of our lifestyles.⁠
I’ve wished many a time I could pack a bag and go help out on remote beaches were some or other animal requires conservation from some or other shitty industrial industry’s repercussions.⁠
But you know what? Often the best place to find (and in this case give) a helping hand is at the end of your own arm – with what you put in your mouth.⁠
It’s as fantastically easy and just as numbingly unactionable as that. ⁠
Your food choices seal the deal on the fate of our oceans.⁠
Making better food choices, even if you begin with tiny reductions, really does add up to bigger system change. 💙⁠
🌊this cute baby seal referenced from the underwater captures of @sumogurinet .

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Posted on

December 8, 2019