I believe we were born with the one encyclopedia to our own lives embedded in us, and our life’s work is learning how to read it so that we may live its knowledge.
You know you’re ready to start deciphering your own internal book of life when you spend hours moon gazing. Because deep down you know she knows. She’s the same moon who’s spoken to all other big dreamers and great thinkers who’ve walked this earth before you.
And in her infinite wisdom she can awaken in you the path you must follow to create your heart’s most tender longings.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
Ever wonder why we gaze at the moon, like she knows all the answers to our worldly struggles?⠀
It’s because she’s seen it all and in her infamous wisdom can awaken in us the paths we must follow to create our heart’s intentions. Manifesting anything isn’t casting spells and then sitting back and hoping it happens for you. It’s about telling the universe what you want to attract and most importantly, that you’re ready to listen and hear the clues and direction pointers to begin setting your events in motion.⠀
I believe we were born with the one encyclopedia to our own lives embedded in us, and our life’s work is learning how to read it so that we may live it.⠀
Sit under the moon tonight and tell her what your heart really wants. She’s the same moon who spoke to all other big dreamers and great thinkers who’ve walked this earth before you. 🌕