Woooooohoooo! ONE HUNDRED DAYS OF PAINTINGS. Triple digits baby! That deserves a wee little sparkler, I reckon.
It also deserves a beer, a bluegrass jig, some handstands, homemade pesto pasta, a slobbery lick from my goldie and a high five for my infinitely better half, without whom I would not have these kiff, tiny canvas frames to paint on (or a modicum of sanity when I think I’m going to lose my painting marbles).
I’m all for finding joy each day in the journey, but I’m also all for celebrating wins in life and today I’m beyond happy to have already made so many fantastic connections through this little project. This sparkler is really for you guys – all 533 of you. You give me umph to pick up my paintbrush when I have no more can. Wish I could give you all a great big hug of love and appreciation. You are awesome!! Thank you for sticking with me this far. 🎨This little painting came about with the help of a beautiful pic by Ian Schneider from @unsplash – a freelance creatives best friend! x
Inspiration image: artist’s own/ common license image