‘Postcards from Livingstone Cafe’ – Day 5/365

The scent of salt, the sounds of gulls, cat meows near the bloody work of fishermen, toes buried in warm, soft sand while fingers send scraps of the heart back home – this is the true work of time spent in countries not your own – the making of memories that defy the fading arms of time. 

Inspiration image: artist’s own
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)


While others are on their real summer holidays, I’m not ready to leave memories of Zanzibar. Sitting on a deck chair at Livingston Beach Restaurant on the outskirts of Stone Town, while young cats meowed for fish scraps in the shadows of moored fishing boats. While my toes curled in the sand beneath my chair and I sipped my mojito, this view kept me company while I wrote postcards bound for home. It was a moment that had defied the fading arms of time.
🎨from 📷@shescreativeaf
Time: 7 hours

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January 5, 2019