Price of Original Painting: R2450
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration: artist’s own and common licence photography
A painting for plant lovers, for animal lovers, for anyone who chooses mushroom over meat, for anyone who eats for the future. (which by the way is now known as being a #climatarian)
Thanks @beercountrysa for the stimulation to rise to a challenge (within a challenge).
Side story: these okes finally caved to my constant, but loving badgering of insufficient veggie recipes under their RAD #beerfoodfire brand and shared their kick-ass mushroom burger (pg 85 of their @beercountrysa recipe book)
So, okes, I didn’t paint the miniature mushroom burger you asked for because food isn’t my art M.O.
Drea = m I n i N a t u r e (say it with me😋)
But I took your challenge to another level and painted the mini nature reason for eating mushroom burgers instead. This cute little fella’s name is MooShroom. He lives in a field of fungi. He wants me to tell you this:
“Meat and dairy provide just 18% of calories and 37% of protein, but it uses the vast majority – 83% – of farmland and produces 60% of agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions. Other research shows 86% of all land mammals are now livestock or humans.”
What a clever heifer! Also, his manure patties (that’s the original beef patty I’ll have you) make for epic nutrients for ALL sorts of plants to grow – including – wouldn’t you know it.. mushrooms. The magical kind😬
Ps: If you want more stats on the impacts of industrial animal agriculture read ‘Reducing foods’ environmental impacts through producers and consumers’, 2019, Science