‘Make The Wish A Reality’ – Day 55/365

Are we too flippant about the whole ‘make a wish’ shooting star concept? It’s all good and well to quickly cast your attention to something you desire, but it sure as shit won’t come true from that hushed, mumbled whisper. Maybe what shooting stars are trying to yell at us every time the zoot on by is that life is damn fast and damn short. “MAKE the wish already! No go out and actually make it happen!”

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting with permission from photographer)
Inspiration image: artist’s own


I dig this simple night sky, with its blazing shooting star. When I popped into the garden to photograph the painting, this log caught my eye, and when I sat it down, the light fell so perfectly in line with the star! 👏🏼It gave me a bit of an aha moment.
Are we too flippant about the whole ‘make a wish’ shooting star concept? It’s all good and well to quickly cast your attention to something you desire, but it sure as shit won’t come true from that hushed, mumbled whisper.
I reckon that’s what shooting stars are trying to yell at us every time they zoot on by. “MAKE the wish already! No go out and actually make it happen!”
I say this all after watching yet another brilliant webinar from @marieforleo Last night. She’s amazing! And I’m so fired up to implement all her advice. 💫
So I’ve set myself a mini goal to see if I can raise the cash in time to sign up for B-school this year, because I feel it in my goddamn gut that it’s where I need to be.
Inspired by pic: @my.nomadic.heart

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February 24, 2019