‘Impermanent Rose’ – Day 195/365


We spent the entire day finishing up the last touches, fixtures and fittings to a new studio space we’ve been getting into order and renovating – because I’d reached capacity of being able to create and dream big in the confines of our living space. We also transplanted an enormous hibiscus bush that had outgrown its own creative environment. All this activity left me with little else to give – grateful for the work but worse bushed than the hibiscus. So, I turned to the invigorating pink of ‘permanent rose’ to create a little flaming sky setting after one helluva day.⁠
But the name of this pigment and the expectations we feel to deliver only perfection on Instagram 24/7 got me thinking…⁠

What if instead of seeing a less-than-curated/ highly skilled (insert criteria here) image on Insta and releasing critical eyes and judgement on that person or their abilities, we instead saw it as a moment to tap into empathy and ask ‘wow, I wonder what else they had going on today?’, and find admiration for their still sharing throughout it all. No one is a rose every day. It may just be those posts that warrant the beautiful, human connection that Instagram does offer us. ⁠
Just cause I have the heart capacity today – I’m sending big hugs and light to all you impermanent roses today. You are doing JUST AMAZINGLY, net soos en waar jy is! (just as and where you are)⁠

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from photographer

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July 14, 2019