Let me also be the master of my failures and the captain of my sorrow.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from the photographer
You know the last two lines of the Invictus poem by William Ernest Henley? “I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul?” They’re often used as inspirational material to empower us towards our goals. But I think they’re only truly powerful in the context of the rest of the poem and I’m only beginning to understand what that’s about.⠀
And after reading it and standing on the end of this boardwalk (not literally – I tend to jump into my paintings while painting them), I decided to carry with me two more lines I want to never forget.⠀
“I am the master of my failures⠀
I am the captain of my sorrow”⠀
My life has zigzagged down some dark and messy avenues. But standing at the end of the boardwalk looking into my own storm – I know that all those challenges propelled me onto the road I’m now walking – one I’m so grateful for. Our storms hold real power if we’re willing to look them in the face and thank them for what they’ve taught us instead of resenting them their pain. ⠀
I firmly believe if we can keep doing that – they just might fling us into who we’re meant to be.⠀
.📸 @deniscebulec⠀