‘Humanscape’ – Day 228/365


This landscape looks like a John Denver song.⁠
This lovely scene came to me via @damdickey who’s been following my painting journey and wanted to share a pic with me she thought would make a good miniature. I was so thrilled that a human somewhere else on the planet saw something and thought of me and my minis!! So I tracked down the photographer, @wj400m, who takes some seriously stunning shots and asked if he’d be cool with my using his photo for derivative work in my 365. William was in like gin and now a miniNature exists that would maybe never have come to life had it not been for their inspired hearts and generosity of their spirits.⁠
I call that taking in a humanscape.⁠
Thanks @damdickey and @wj400m for being part of what makes a challenge like this so so awesome!⁠
Big love.🦄⁠

Derivative work created with permission from the photographer
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)

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August 16, 2019