This painting is sold
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from the photographer
Inspiration: photography of Andre Fiedeldey
Best reason to not quite finish a painting?
I’ll give you a hint: it’s TWO cute for f***ing words! 🙈😆Swipe to find out! .
I really did try to get a better photo of them but also not very hard because *kittens!!*
This painting is inspired by a photo my uncle took- I’m still working on how to get the minimalism to really evoke peace 😍.
The new additions to the miniNature studio family are 2-3 week old rescues who were in pretty bad shape and taken from their mommy by kids who just didn’t know better. They still don’t have names so when they do and they can sit still for one friggin second – I’ll do proper introductions. Needless to say Phoebe (the Goldie) is very perplexed by the stumbling and squeaking dust bunnies. In Afrikaans ‘liefie’ is a term of affection – like lovie. But also sounds like leafies – hence the title of today’s painting . 😊