‘Forest of Commitment’ – Day 130/365


Someone in the desert told me that being an artist doesn’t mean you’re creative every single day. It means you’re committed to the creative process daily. ⠀
And while it’s equally important for me to tackle projects or series of paintings during this 365 that mean a lot to me so I can become captivated in what I paint, it’s just as important to give myself breaks of total non-attachment to the outcome (especially when I’m getting sick and know my body needs rest!!)⠀
Don’t not do your thing when you have no more f*#@^ left to give. Do it anyway and re-frame it as a non-attached dedication to the process. You might just discover a whole new idea or style in your arsenal.⠀

Painting inspired by Yohanes Dicky Yuniar photography on @unsplash.⠀

Oh, and hey – just like that we’re 1/3 of the way through the challenge! 😜 Thanks for joining me this far!

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: common license and artist own work

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May 10, 2019