‘Float or Flow’ – Day 63/365


This little painting got me thinking about the difference between floating or flowing with the water? Both technically keep you at the surface in reach of air. But there is a difference. When we float – we lay on our back and let the tide take us along like passengers, in god knows what direction, because we’re not looking. You might end up on the beach, you might end up on rocks, or even way out at sea. But when we flow, we’re integrating ourselves into the temperament and timing of the tide. We’re working with her to get where we want to be. Treading patiently, then paddling hard. That’s how you end up on the beach. So, the next time you hear this hippie saying ‘I’m going with the flow’ – this is what I mean.

May this week offer you an incoming tide! If not, find a log (or a buddy) and just make sure you don’t veer off course. ☺️ x
Inspiration photography by @deniscebulec

Derivative work created with permission from the photographer

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March 4, 2019