‘Exhales’ – Day 322/365

Just think, if our every exhale were like a dandelion releasing its many no-longer-for-me tufts. We would move so much lighter and freer in our bodies.


I have a tendency to inhale and hold my breath more intensely than I exhale it, and so without realising it I take on more than I know, I draw in more than I can hold and I internalise more than I have healthy room for in my body.⁠
And so today, after seeing an incredible osteopath, I was reminded of the power of my exhale, the part of my breathing that I do with less awareness, and how if I gave it more awareness I could use it to let go of the things I no longer had room for within me. ⁠
How funny that it was a sneeze that pulled me into this spasm, a sneeze – the body desperately exhaling with force – that I needed to understand what it was all connected to before the tension could begin to release.⁠
I wanted to paint a dandelion today to crystalise this lesson in my awareness. Just think…how many tiny little no-longer-for-me tufts we can send off with every exhale to move lighter and freer in our bodies? 🙏🏼⁠
For anyone interested, the osteopath that helped me arrive at this insight was Dr Erwan at the Holistic House of Health on Kloof Street. 🌟⁠

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration : artist’s own and common licence photography

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November 18, 2019