‘Do you Hear-t the Desert?’ – Day 114/365 – ON PRIVATE AUCTION


As I walked through one of my favourite Afrika Burn sculptures, through the chambers of her dust clutched torso, I remember thinking about what it really meant ‘to listen’.I was standing in her heart cavity when it occurred to me that to really hear someone, something – be that your friend, your lover, your intuition, the universe, your calling… or the desert… you have to listen, not with ears, but with the heart.

Sale Price of Original: NFS through artist – on private auction with Afrika Burn

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from photographer


This was one of my favourite pieces at last year’s AfrikaBurn – ‘Sleepy Head’ by The Mighty Mighties. I remember thinking about what it really means ‘to listen’ as I walked through the chambers of her dust clutched torso. I was standing in her heart cavity when it occurred to me that to really hear something – be that your friend, your lover, your plants, your gut, your intuition, the universe, your calling… or the desert… you have to listen with your heart.
Burn Artwork has the capacity to awaken so much inside you if you truly hear-t the desert.



Posted on

April 24, 2019

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