Drawing Insight From Fabric

Creativity goes into so much around you. Other than the general aspect or overall look and feel of your wardrobe and your decor, each individual fabric was put together with thought, combining colour pattern and motif for an overall feel. And in its entirety it must have pleased you, otherwise you wouldn’t have bought it for your home.

Today take a look through your scarves, skirts, summer dresses or even your scatter cushions. Look at the fine print and see what draws your eye. The floral detail? The filigree? The little pineapple or pink flamingos? Get lost in pattern and repetition. The freedom to just play and be joyful and loose yourself in the awe of fine print.

  1. Find somewhere comfortable to sit.
  2. Set the fabric in front of you and pick an element, a detail in it and just draw that.
  3. Be inspired by it and expand on it if you feel like doing so.

Now while you draw detail in your fabric, give some thought to this:

  1. Was that detail always there? Is that why you bought it or did you only just notice it?
  2. If you have not one fabric in your home with print or pattern in it, was this intentional? Where else can you find pattern and print to marvel at? Perhaps a flower petal or a leaf?
  3. Why do details that sometimes seem incongruous go so well together? How were they made to fit? Why do they fit? What do they have in common, the bird and the swirl, the leaf and the paint splatter?

At the end of today, if you feel inspired to you can share your drawing and drawing insights in the comments. I’d love to share and support you in your journey.

If you’re still drawing along, well done – continues daily tasks will take you to new magical places of happiness.


Posted on

March 26, 2020

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