‘Bushed’ – Day 53/365

Show up for your thing even on days when you have no more can left. Often that’s when innovation and solutions present themselves.

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own


I was totally buggered today after yesterday’s frantic prep and awesome art event (see stories) and so did a cheeky thing. I had started this painting last year as an almost replica of one of my very first miniatures, back when I called them 19grams (scroll waaaay down) as a gift idea that never got gifted. And so, in my state of ‘meh-ness’, I finished this mini and gave this old elephant a tree to lean his bum against in case he gets bushed too.
That’s the thing this 365 challenge is teaching me about pursuing your passion – you gotta show up for it even on the days when you have no more ‘can’ left. And often that’s when the solutions present themselves.

And that’s Friday in the bag. Ha!
Time: 2.5 hours

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February 22, 2019