‘Buck Your System’ – Day 41/365 – NFS


There’s merit to be had in every approach – as long as it’s working for you. When I Buck my system that’s when I remember to play.

Artist study. Not for sale.


I tuned a mate of mine recently about not keeping a spreadsheet for all the data they’re gathering in their catering gig and that having to refigure out the numbers and quantities every time is madness. He just laughed and told me ‘shooting from the hip keeps things fun’.
This approach seemed nuts to me at the time (because yes, in my past years of business-y exposure I’ve become an artist who enjoys the odd spreadsheet). But every now and then I remember there’s a free-spirited creative lurking in me who just wants to go with the flow and who was actually pretty good at functioning that way. So, it stands to reason that just when I admit to how much I gravitate towards creating structure and sets of three in my paintings, the whole thing gets under my skin and suddenly feels like confinement. Haha. You’ve just gotta laugh at life (and yourself!)
So I Said to my better half last night in trying to figure this all out: “hey bokkie, I no longer give a fokkie!”
There’s merit to be had in every approach – as long as it’s working for you. When I Buck my system that’s when I remember to play.

Painting from photography of @chaitdeshphotography



Posted on

February 10, 2019

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