‘Belle View’ – Day 79/365



Since hiking Lion’s Head at full moon is pretty much a rite of passage if you grew up in Cape Town, I thought I’d share this view and story with you on today’s full moon.
When I was a little girl, about 6, I would sit on my parents’ bed in our house in Bellevue Avenue and gaze out of their large cottage pane windows at the city lights while my dad blow-dried my hair. It was this exact scene. The sparkly lights and soothing hum of the hairdryer would lull me into a peaceful trance as he brushed my long, wispy strands. ”Look for the moon”, he would say, pausing the hairdryer for a few seconds.

These days the full moon hike is heavily attended. You can barely find a spot to squeeze your bum on at the top. But I often wonder what everyone else’s thoughts drift to when they stare at that moon.

I see my dad and our ordinary moments together with the moon and city lights.
It’s not the light, the angles or the filters that make our nature moments so special. It’s that being in nature, any nature, will always allow truth to surface. What seems like a trivial memory amid a crowded scene may just be one of your favourite memories to hold on to. And it is adding weight in a painting to that kind of memory that makes me so damn happy.

Happy Full Moon, from wherever you choose to enjoy it!

(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own

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March 20, 2019