‘Behind the Scene’ – of the #tinypainting challenge.⁠

Three hundred and thirty-five days into the tiny painting challenge, I think I just got it – it’s not only a painting a day challenge that’s the truly challenging part. It’s just as challenging not painting a painting a day. ⁠
Today I spent the entire day at Parklife music festival motivating for awareness on how we treat our oceans through our food choices (with an almost finished Iggy, our marine Iguana mascot, after a hard week and 3 hours sleep under my belt) My nerves are shattered but my heart is full.⁠
I did not paint a painting today. But I did talk on a stage in front of 1500+ people (which nearly scared the bejesus out of me). Together with @kaspar.paur and @ejamestaylor we painted a different picture – the reality of what we’re doing to our oceans and why our food choices really matter to her. ⁠
I’m okay with that painting. ⁠
It also took my 335 days to properly accept that if I can paint ahead to give myself a break, then I can also paint back (thanks to my love, for the nudge).⁠
I so badly wanted 365 daily new paintings to make up my year of painting, but I think this post for today tells a better story.⁠
I’m sharing this pic of my early days with you, because I realised today, that sometimes what is ‘behind the scenes’ to everyone else, is the whole scene to you. ⁠


Posted on

December 1, 2019

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