Sale Price of Original: R2100
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
Possibly my favourite place in the world (of what I have yet had the privilege to see ) – the woods in Aurora, where I’ve spent many a Christmas wandering with my cousins and uncle. It’s weird for me to not be in the snow at this time of year, but I can go there anytime with the shutting of an eyelid or the flick of a paintbrush.
I guess you can explore the whole world, every country, but once your heart has settled into places of love and family, they will forever be your favourites. Is that the definition of home – knowing where your heart feels at peace without needing to eliminate every other place? Probably also a clue to whom you decide to love…
Frohe Weihnachten to you all and Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating tomorrow.
May you spend it with those you love and carry home in your heart always. 🌟