When you see an agave flowering, it’s showing you its final act of preservation. They flower only once in their lives to procreate their species, using their last bit of energy before they die. Before they bloom, agaves are easily mistaken for aloes because the base plant shares a lot in structure and shape.
It is only once they flower, revealing all of their genetic code that they are unmistakable as agaves.
So, will you wait until the end to bloom? Or will you brave-up now and reveal your unmistakable self before time is up?
Sale Price of Original: R1900
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Inspiration image: artist’s own
Agaves grow all over our beautiful county. Many people know them to be the source of tequila and a bulletproof plant that can withstand almost any climate. I’ve come to love them, mainly through the passion my man feels for them. And because of this new insight that I just learnt I now adore them even more. When you see an agave flowering, it is showing you it’s final act of preservation. They flower only once in their lives to procreate their species, using the last bit of energy left in them before they die.
Here’s what struck me about that – before they bloom, they are easily mistaken for aloes because the base plant shares a lot in structure and shape. But it is only once they flower, revealing all of their genetic code that they are unmistakable as agaves.
So, will you wait till your energy is all but used up before you bloom fully or will you show the world your truest nature now while you feel it in you?
PS: this painting is not rectangular because we ran out of canvases. I’m cooking up a little something new 🤗. PPS: I just wanted to post here to show anyone reading this that I’m not just all talk about this ‘blooming’ stuff – I just signed up for #bschool2019. And no I’m not a trust fund baby or highly successful artist…yet. So f***ing excited I could burst! 💖
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