Most days I let the feeling tell me which landscape to paint out of my many archives of visuals. And then I share whatever insight it unfolds into.
(artist retains all rights to print reproductions of this painting)
Derivative work created with permission from the photographer
Form often follows function, it’s true, but to creatives (and that’s all of us – anyone who has ever committed to doing a thing, anything – As Liz Gilbert says – even a relationship is the execution of something you created first in your heart) – the function is preceded by the feeling. An inexplicable otherness that pulls us in a direction unknown to the conscious brain. Then we build the function around what the heart or the gut says ‘feels right or necessary’. It’s a beautiful language that doesn’t so much ‘tell’ you as ‘reveal’ to you and, if you let it, can cast a lovely curious light on everything you approach. ‘How will this unfold? Let me feel into it’.⠀
These paintings do that for me. I’d say about 5% are a pre-ordained concept – where I want to say or commit to something and then find what to paint that represents that. Most days I let the feeling tell me which landscape to paint out of my many archives of visuals. And then I share whatever insight it unfolds into. Having come from a content creation background this is a bit back to front, as there is no agenda driving any of it. But I’ll tell you one thing – doing it this way always leaves me feeling nourished and restored instead of exhausted like on the hamster wheel of production. It’s like breathing deeply slows the heart and calms the nervous system.⠀
Today’s errand filled business pulled me towards this peaceful, whimsical view in Hogsback. It looked like a gentle hug from nature.⠀
📸lovely capture and inspiration from @graeholliday (I didn’t paint his feet – it was a humanless meadow in my heart😂)⠀