’27 Point U-Turn’ – Day 217/365


I heard a great interview a week ago with Todd Henry, author of ‘Louder than Words’ in which he describes how there’s always a U-shape in creative projects – that place somewhere in the bottom where you feel totally confused, directionless, uninspired and without steam in the middle of the slog.⁠
I could not have heard it at a better time because it gave me such clarity and perspective on what I was experiencing. ⁠
Today while painting this adorable bus, which I just had to put on a mini because I so admire this artist living her tiny creative life on this bus, I laughed out loud when it dawned on me why it feels like my creative U-turns always, well ‘turn’ so much slower. I said to myself ‘Drea – you might not be there yet – but your heart is already a creative living on a bus and don’t you know U-turns are a laborious thing on a bus?!’⁠
So that’s my aha on what possibly feels like the last few hinky-pinky twists in the U-turn.⁠
For more awesome tiny creative living inspo check out @busgoblin and her awesome mobile home and studio.⁠
Derivative work created with permission from photographer

ps: have a listen to Todd Henry’s interview on Marie Forleo – major clarity for creative endeavours.⁠

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August 5, 2019